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Benjamin Middleton

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Benjamin graduated from The University of Edinburgh with a Master’s Degree in Architectural Studies. He qualified in 2014, as a Solicitor-Advocate, having obtained Civil Higher Rights of Audience in the High Courts of England and Wales. He trained with a specialist shipping law firm in Lincoln’s Inn and joined MFB in September 2017.

Benjamin has experience in wet and dry shipping litigation, in LMAA Arbitration and the Commercial Court, as well as cases involving disputes in Insurance; International trade; Financial Mis-selling; and International sanctions.

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Footballing Glory, almost.

The annual 5-a-side Marine Challenge Cup took place in Dulwich last week. It wasn't quite Türkiye v Georgia or Spain v France but a very ex...


Jonathan Watson guest speaker at the REG Conference 2024

MFB partner and superyacht law specialist Jonathan Watson was a recent guest speaker at the Red Ensign Group Conference, this year held in Jerse...

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