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Adam Vrahnos

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Adam is an Australian and England qualified solicitor who graduated with a Bachelor of Laws and Arts (Politics) from the University of Wollongong. Since qualifying as a solicitor in 2016, Adam started in commercial litigation and insolvency before moving into shipping. He joins MFB having worked previously at a large international shipping law firm.

Adam specialises in dry shipping litigation and has experience advising on a variety of contentious matters including charterparty disputes, bill of lading disputes, cargo damage claims and ship arrests to general commercial litigation and enforcement.

He is passionate about the maritime industry and was previously the treasurer of Young Shipping Australia (NSW) before moving to the UK.

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Footballing Glory, almost.

The annual 5-a-side Marine Challenge Cup took place in Dulwich last week. It wasn't quite Türkiye v Georgia or Spain v France but a very ex...


Jonathan Watson guest speaker at the REG Conference 2024

MFB partner and superyacht law specialist Jonathan Watson was a recent guest speaker at the Red Ensign Group Conference, this year held in Jerse...

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